Reducera sexvärt krom

Reduce hexavalent chromium

RedOx3 is Swedish Hydro Solutions' reducing treatment used to reduce hexavalent chromium. The product was developed in our laboratory for a project managed by the Swedish Transport Administration.

Hexavalent chromium is a common contaminant in construction and infrastructure projects, such as during the production or handling of cement. It can also occur during grouting, when washing cement trucks, and during the demolition of old concrete. Hexavalent chromium is environmentally hazardous and can also harm human health.


Effectively removes hexavalent chromium from water, often achieving a reduction of 95-99%.

Safety Classified

Highest rating in Basta and recommended content according to the construction product assessment.


RedOx3 is cost-effective compared to other methods on the market.
Reducera sexvärt krom

How it works

The treatment with RedOx3 works by reducing highly water-soluble hexavalent chromium to less water-soluble trivalent chromium. This allows the trivalent chromium to precipitate and then be flocculated in Swedish Hydro Solutions' HydroBox using the flocculant chitosan, ultimately allowing the flocs to settle in a sedimentation tank.

Need more information?

Gain deeper insights into the potential of RedOx3 and its applications; our water treatment specialists are ready to answer your questions.