Laws and Regulations in Sweden
When it comes to setting emission limits in Sweden, there are several important regulatory frameworks to consider. These include national legislation such as the Environmental Code, the Water Directive, local regulations, international and national standards, and industry-specific rules. By adhering to these regulations, the project is not only compliant with current laws in Sweden, but is also environmentally sustainable and safe.
The Environmental Code (1998:808)
Environmental Quality Standards (EQS): The Environmental Code contains provisions on environmental quality standards that must be followed to protect the environment and human health. These standards set limits for various pollutants in water.
Chapter 9 (Environmentally Hazardous Activities): Regulates the discharge of pollutants into soil, water, and air. Requirements are set to minimize emissions and take protective measures.
The Water Management Ordinance (2004:660)
The EU Water Framework Directive (2006/60/EC) is an ordinance that implements the EU Water Directive into Swedish legislation. The directive aims to achieve good ecological status in all EU water bodies. Regional water authorities develop management plans and action programs to achieve environmental goals.
The Ordinance (1998:899) on Environmentally Hazardous Activities and Health Protection
This ordinance contains specific provisions for managing emissions from environmentally hazardous activities, including requirements for treatment and control of emissions to water.
Local Regulations and Provisions in Sweden
Municipalities in Sweden may have their own regulations that complement national legislation. These may include specific emission limits and treatment requirements and are compiled on each municipality's website.
The Water Framework Directive
The EU Water Framework Directive, adopted in 2000, aims to protect and improve the quality of all water resources within the EU. According to the directive, member states are required to take measures to ensure that all water bodies achieve 'good status' by 2027. This includes reducing pollution, improving water quality, and ensuring sustainable water use. The directive also requires that all point and diffuse sources of pollution affecting water quality be regulated and controlled through effective treatment methods and environmental legislation. The directive promotes integrated water resource management and encourages EU member states to develop and implement action programs to achieve long-term sustainability in water use and protection.
Read more here: EU Water Framework Directive
Industrial Emissions Directive
In addition to the Water Framework Directive, there is also the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU), which covers emissions from industrial activities and includes requirements for the treatment of process water.
Read more here: Industrial Emissions Directive
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Regulations and Guidelines
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency issues regulations on environmental protection that contain specific requirements for water treatment and emission control. They also publish guidelines that provide detailed instructions on how to meet various environmental requirements.
Industry-Specific Rules
Certain industries have specific guidelines and requirements for water management and emission control. For example, the mining industry may have special requirements for managing process and wastewater.
Supervisory Authorities in Sweden
The County Administrative Board performs supervision at the regional level to ensure compliance with national and EU regulations, while municipalities are responsible for supervision and control at the local level.