Swedish Hydro Solutions AB brings in Latour as new shareholder​


Swedish Hydro Solutions has signed an investment agreement with Investment AB Latour (publ), through its subsidiary Latour Future Solutions AB.

Latour Future Solutions AB is an investment area within Latour focusing on growth companies that develop solutions for a sustainable society. The aim is for the investments to create a sustainable society in all its dimensions: environmental, social and economic. The investment in Swedish Hydro Solutions is therefore well in line with this objective.

– We like that Swedish Hydro Solutions uses nature’s own biochemistry, instead of harsh chemicals, to purify large amounts of water. With their customized solutions, the company contributes to significantly improving the quality of water in the hydrological cycle, where clean water is a prerequisite for sustainable industry and a viable society, says Pelle Mattisson, CEO Latour Future Solutions.

– In a short time, our innovative sustainable technology has made us the leading water treatment technology company in the construction industry in Sweden. With Latour as a long-term partner, we now have the opportunity to grow and reach out to new market segments across Europe. This has been our goal from the start, so we are very pleased, says Jakob Sjöberg, founder and main owner of Swedish Hydro Solutions.

Through a directed share issue and partial sale of existing shares, Swedish Hydro Solutions has been able to arrange for Latour Future Solutions AB to join as a minority shareholder of 26.5% of the company. At the same time, additional funds have been injected into the company to strengthen the upcoming expansive growth journey.

For further information, please contact:

Leo de Meere, CEO, Swedish Hydro Solutions AB, +46 729 94 32 86

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