Swedish Hydro Solutions at Miljöringen’s theme meeting in Oslo


As part of our international activities, Swedish Hydro Solutions participated in 'Miljöringen's' first theme meeting of the year in Oslo on the 16th-17th of April. During the event, Johan Magnusson delivered a presentation on advancements in mobile water treatment within the construction industry.

Miljöringen was established in 1993 in Norway and can be equated with 'Renare Mark' in Sweden. The organization’s primary purpose is to serve as a central source of information on topics related to contaminated soil and sediment. Where relevant subjects can be presented and discussed. Members include owners of contaminated land and sediment, alongside government agencies, research institutions, consulting firms, as well as suppliers and contractors contributing technical solutions to the issues within the field.

The theme for this years event was “Comprehensive Environmental Management”, with a significant focus on PFAS, sea-bed restoration, and the prevention of new pollutions. Discussions also addressed the challenges facing the Oslo Fjord, which in recent years has suffered extensive bottom dead zones due to nitrogen pollution. Stricter requirements for municipal wastewater discharge emerge as a crucial factor in the Oslo Fjord’s recovery.

Johan Magnusson from our team delivered his presentation covering the development of mobile water treatment solutions within the construction industry; where stricter emission standards have been a driving force behind this positive change. In Sweden, the construction sector has been one of the first industries where compliance with the European water directive regulations have been implemented. Since treatment of stormwater and process water is a critical factor to ensure environmental sustainability.

You will be able to listen to Johan's presentation at the SweWater Summit event, organized by Swedish Hydro Solutions, on May 22nd.

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