Meet Therese Ott

Half firefighter, two-thirds nurse, and 100 percent environmental coordinator. Therese Ott describes her educational background as varied yet simultaneously logical. For her, the desire to contribute to society is a consistent theme.

After exploring various professions, Therese Ott eventually found her calling when she pursued a vocational training program as an environmental coordinator with a focus on buildings and construction. By that time, she had already embarked on two other educational paths in healthcare and the fire department.

– My journey was circuitous, but everything I've done feels very rewarding to carry in my repertoire, she reflects.

Working collaboratively and serving others has been a driving force throughout her life.

– I have a strong commitment to society, particularly regarding environmental issues. That's why I'm delighted to be part of a workplace where I can contribute.

The first contact through an internship

It was during her initial internship as an environmental coordinator trainee that Therese Ott gained insight into the operations of Swedish Hydro Solutions.

– At that time, the company was brand new, with only Anders, Jakob, and Ingrid working there.

Therese Ott found water treatment to be an intriguing topic for construction projects. However, after completing her education, she started a position as an environmental consultant, primarily involved in conducting environmental assessments and providing environmental support to clients. Simultaneously, she stayed in touch with Swehydro.

– I was drawn to them because they seemed like genuine individuals, but also because it was evident how much faith Anders and Jakob had in the technology and its potential. I wanted to follow their journey and see how things progressed. It was exciting to hear more and more talk about them in the industry, especially since I had been part of their journey from the early stages.

After a year or so, Anders reached out and inquired if she would be interested in joining their team. By then, the company had evolved significantly in both technology and organization, boasting a team of nine people and numerous new projects in the pipeline.

– For me, it was crucial that Anders and Jakob share the level of commitment they have for the environment. It feels very satisfying to work for a company with individuals who strive for significant positive changes.

In my previous role as an environmental consultant, I sometimes felt that my contribution to the project was just a small part of the whole, and I missed the bigger picture. Here, I have the opportunity to be involved in the entire chain from start to finish.

— Therese Ott, Project Manager, Swedish Hydro Solutions

Varied tasks as a service technician

Since then, she has been able to grow and develop alongside the company. The opportunities to specialize in areas that feel exciting are substantial.

– I primarily work as a service technician, but for some time now, I've been given the chance to project manage my own smaller projects and assist with those aspects in certain other projects. I would say that half of my work time is spent at the desk, and the other half is in the field.

Working with this combination feels important both in terms of my personal preferences and for the effective execution of projects.

– I enjoy being out in the field and working physically. It also helps me better understand the administrative side when I have a grounding in the field aspect of the project.

Office work includes tasks such as analyzing test results to assess if any adjustments are necessary. It could involve responding to the emergence of a new pollutant in a specific area, requiring additional measures.

– In my previous role as an environmental consultant, I sometimes felt that my contribution to the project was just a small part of the whole, and I missed the bigger picture. Here, I have the opportunity to be involved in the entire chain from start to finish.

Qualities a service technician needs according to Therese:

  • Communicative – you serve as the link between the company and the customer.
  • Innovative and flexible – ability to solve unforeseen challenges and devise tailored solutions.
  • Courageous – willingness to test new methods and embrace learning new technologies.

From skepticism to impression

Customer feedback has been very positive, even though the method sometimes leads to playful teasing.

– They often jokingly ask what we're going to do with our'shrimp shells.' Then they become curious and impressed.

The constant evolution of technology is something Therese describes as both enjoyable and unusual. As an employee, it can be daunting not to settle and continuously try new approaches. But it's also exciting and fulfilling.

– They don't settle; they always want to improve. That suits me. As a person, I always want to optimize everything I do, even in my personal life.

One thing Therese Ott has discovered is that the field of water treatment is much broader than one might initially think, given the many different types of water. Her dream project is to help vulnerable people who, for example, have contaminated drinking water by purifying the water to make it safe to consume. To feel that I am truly making a life-changing difference.

– The humanitarian and environmental/climate aspects are the most rewarding for me. I am proud of my job.

Health and well-being a priority

Therese describes the work culture at Swedish Hydro Solutions as generous and considerate.

– My tasks vary for different projects, and I work closely with my colleagues. There is a strong sense of cooperation that I find unusual and genuinely enjoyable about coming to work.

Common activities also contribute to team cohesion.

– We can take an hour off work to go mushroom picking together or engage in activities such as cycling, practicing yoga, or playing paddle tennis. Management is very concerned that employees should feel well, not be stressed, and not take worries and work home with them.